Attend Live PMP Classes Online
So Effective, We Guarantee You Will Pass the PMP Exam.
Our Live Virtual PMP classes are taught by expert instructors, who also bring their real-world and relevant experience to the students. Now offering evening and weekend classes!
- Taught live by veteran PMP training instructors
- Save time and money by training without travel
- Interact with peers and expert instructors
- Attend this live class from any Internet-connected computer
- Now offering night, weekday, and weekend classes
Contact Hours and PDUs Included with Class:
35 PMI Contact Hours for PMP exam, and 36 PDU Credits
3 Steps To A PMP Certification
1. Enroll in an Online PMP Class
- Classes taught by PMI Registered Education Provider (R.E.P.)
- Flexible dates and times available, including weekends and evenings
- We guarantee the lowest price possible for all courses
- Group rates and private classes available
2. Attend Live Classes from Your Computer
- Attend class, ask questions, and prepare for your PMP exam
- One-on-one Instructor Q&A sessions included for all students
- PMPerfect Practice Exam system included free with class
- All PMP course materials included with class enrollment
- Class Schedule and Pricing
3. Pass the PMP Exam, Guaranteed
- Take the PMP exam and pass. Guaranteed.
- 35 Contact Hours included with every course (required by PMI for exam)
- Assistance provided with PMI exam application (even if audited)
- PDU credits included with every course, to maintain your future PMP certification